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comment by weewooweewoo

I'm so glad that #6 and # 7 are on Spotify! And that's a piano cover of one of my favorite Studio Ghibli songs :)

Have you ever heard of the Wolf Children? I've been listening to the soundtrack on and off, this song in particular always hits me. It's kind of in the vein of what you've commented so far:

I have a huge affinity for Japanese music, Nujabes included. I'll kick a new artist back at you, I've been listening to this on repeat for the past week:

kingmudsy  ·  2975 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I haven't, but I'm listening to the songs you've posted and I've loved them all so far :)

Nujabes has been my go-to study music for I don't know how long. I love everything that I've listened to! I'm loving your artist recommendation, too.