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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  2984 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why do we strive for growth?

I think many, if not most artists make art because they are compelled to. I don't think "growth" is something they think of, beyond artistic growth. That said, it's in our nature to want to get better at things. Being a better gatherer, hunter, builder etc, these things led to survival. Becoming "better" at a non-essential pursuit like running a business that sells hand soap needs to be qualified. How can we prove we are better? We measure year over year sales. How do we know we are better than we were last year? We have double digit growth.

This is insane thinking but it's informed by human nature. It's informed by the desire to kill the big gazelle:

ButterflyEffect  ·  2984 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Every KPI on the face of the earth is measured on a year over year chart, that's for sure. Artists and businesses are examples but again, you're going to "double digit growth". Well what happens when you hit the point where every person owns 5 of your bars? Do you say "okay now we need to make them own 6 or we're failing as a business"? What kind of logic is that if you're already a very profitable business.

I am not a business or salesman by heart. I can study some of this stuff and work in it but in the end I am very much a "who gives a fuck, this is fucking ridiculous, how do we make this something that will be robust 5 years from now instead of growing x% right now" person. I certainly would have died early in the hunter gatherer phase of civilization.
