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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  4342 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Letters of Note: I am very real -Kurt Vonnegut
I love him and Slaughterhouse Five too. Here's a link to the transcript below that he sent to a recent widow that had written him to thank him for his work:

    Nov. 30 '90

    Dearest Marianne Brown --

    It can't be said often enough, "It is the woman who pays." The miracle is that so many can and do somehow. I was in love (still am) with a widow with four kids (two not her own). She somehow raised them all on a teeny weeny salary. I told her one time, "I worry about women." She said, "Don't."

    Cheers --


    Kurt Vonnegut

What a wonderful being