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comment by Isherwood
Isherwood  ·  3006 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Heliosphere


It seems safe to say this all started when the GC started selling lunar lots to the highest bidder. The people got what they were promised on earth, prosperity by all accounts boomed, but I don’t think anyone really knew what opening the heavens to private individuals would actually mean. The universe was so massive, how could a handful of interests find conflict in such a massive chasm?

Attached are the permits. All in all they’re pretty simple.

-Name of sponsor organization

-name of leader

-proposed settlement location

-proposed purpose in space

-proposed long term vision

-Information about initial fleet

Nothing too fancy, and maybe not even entirely honest, but at least it’s a starting point.

War  ·  3005 days ago  ·  link  ·  


Sponsor: Minerva Group

Voyage Leader: Captain Ander Hawkes

Proposed Settlement: No planned settlement

Proposed Purpose in Space: Collection of historical artifacts, and Cartography

Proposed Long Term Vision: Extensive collection of mapping data, and artifact retrieval. All other directives are unspecified or property of the Minerva Group.

Initial Fleet: Three ships: The Gungir, The Amarok, and The Aurelia.