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comment by Cedar
Cedar  ·  3025 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: If you had the opportunity to remake yourself, would you?

    We all know who we are ...

I've got to disagree. That's something we all want and strive for but I think its fair to say some people just don't know and haven't yet worked it out. Look at young LGBT people, it's easy to find cases were a youth would suffer severe depression and identity crises because they knew something about them was not as they wanted, but didn't have the education and life experiences to know what that was at the time.

I'm the type who creates a character in a game, plays for ages, then decides to delete and make a new one. This is a pretty terrible trait as it means I'm never happy with my own real life character and reality makes it pretty difficult to reinvent yourself.

War  ·  3024 days ago  ·  link  ·  

What I'm saying is we know we are here existing at some level. We know we are alive, breathing, taking up space. At the very same time that means very little as the self goes far beyond simply understanding those things. Our identity is a comlex collection of things that changes from one moment to the next. I'm just question what it means to be who I am (who anyone is). Are we one unit or many?