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comment by briandmyers
briandmyers  ·  3047 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The science myths that will not die.

It's been more than a week (sorry), but I'm gonna deem this post as the #science #tagoftheweek winner, based on it being the fully-circle-dotted post with the most comments. Mindwolf, I think that means that you get to pick the next #tagoftheweek.

[edit to try to reinstate the shoutout]

briandmyers  ·  3047 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Not sure why but I can't seem to shout-out to Mindwolf in the post above. "Mindwolf" surrounded by "@" is getting converted to "@@". Here I'll try again :

Mindwolf  ·  3046 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It worked. You have summoned me. And like Cthulhu I shall lay waste to all. Or pick next week's #tagoftheweek. Whichever comes first.