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comment by CosmicSamurai
CosmicSamurai  ·  4359 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: GM Says Facebook Ads Don't Work, Pulls $10 Million Account
The Kia CEO even said that the question to ask is whether these "Likes" and adverts paid for on Facebook actually amount to a sale. It largely depends on what you sell. But thing is people don't log on to look at ads or shop; they log on to see what their friends and pseudo friends are doing.

mk  ·  4359 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Agreed. When I read a magazine, I look at some ads, and that is valuable for the company, but I am not going to 'engage'. Engagement is stupid. It's based on an unsustainable false relationship. Google benefits with ads in that people are looking for something when they are searching. With gmail they can spy on us, and figure out what we want, then push it in search. Facebook should buy or build a search engine. Not that I'd use it, but plenty of people would. Expecting people to engage brands while they are communicating is dumb.