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comment by dublinben
dublinben  ·  4369 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ask Hubski: Will Google+ ever take the dominant share of the social media market?
I don't want Google+ to have the dominant share of the social media market. Attracting the billion plus users that facebook has gained in the last few years has required changing their service into something I never would have signed up for.

They introduced games to increase the time spent on the site. This only brought endless amounts of spam from in-game promotions.

They introduced the news stream to staunch the flow to Twitter. Now my FB homepage is full of crap about other people I don't care about.

On G+, I don't add every person I've ever met. I follow people I think are interesting. They have no obligation to follow me in return, unlike the forced 'friendships' of facebook.

I've been using social networks less and less over the last five years, and facebook's constant 'upgrades' have only hastened that process.

mk  ·  4369 days ago  ·  link  ·  
    I've been using social networks less and less over the last five years, and facebook's constant 'upgrades' have only hastened that process.

Yes, outside of serving as a contacts list, Facebook doesn't really solve a problem I have. I can see Google+ serving as a good feed of interesting stuff, but IMO the information density is a bit too low. I've got to scroll a lot just to see a few items.