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comment by dublinben
dublinben  ·  3122 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Free Market: It's Like Uber, But for Everything

    they will be well aware of what choices they are making

How? Without government mandated labeling standards, companies would hide relevant information.

    But it will mean they saw the warnings

What warnings? Government mandated warnings, like on tobacco or alcohol products? Government mandated efficiency ratings on vehicles and appliances? Government mandated lists of side-effects on pharmaceuticals?

    especially his stance on the TPP

This does not follow at all. The TPP does not advance free markets or free trade. It exports US-style industrial protectionism, and denies sovereign states the ability to enact basic consumer protections.

bioemerl  ·  3122 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Government mandated labels are what I am referring to. Force there to be those rather than ban the product.

    This does not follow at all. The TPP does not advance free markets or free trade. It exports US-style industrial protectionism, and denies sovereign states the ability to enact basic consumer protections.

I'd rather hear what it does rather than abstracted terms for what it does, because I don't believe you.

dublinben  ·  3122 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I wish I could provide you with citations, but I can't. The actual text of the trade agreement is confidential, and the deliberations have been kept hidden from public scrutiny. The little that we do know has come from partial copies leaked by wikileaks and others.

Wintermute  ·  3122 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I don't necessarily disagree with you, but surely you could at least provide sources based on the leaked versions?

bioemerl  ·  3122 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    The actual text of the trade agreement is confidential, and the deliberations have been kept hidden from public scrutiny.

So why in the world are you able to tell me that it "harms national sovereignty" if you don't even know what the bill says?