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comment by beezneez
beezneez  ·  3139 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How "normal" people use the internet, and how can we fix that behavior?

    What is and is not work appropriate web usage (and no, I am not talking about porn surprisingly). How to download a driver, or Windows Update, or install browser add-ons. I think we need to start by explaining why using Microsoft's Internet Explorer is bad. (and for those who don't know, if Firefox gets infected, you delete and reinstall Firefox. If IE gets infected you delete and reinstall Windows in many cases. IE infections are harder to fix and IE is a direct entrance vector to the core of the OS. Windows 10 fixes this, sorta.) I block some of the bad stuff at the router level and I get flack from people who know better.

Time to build a better router.