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comment by War
War  ·  3140 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How "normal" people use the internet, and how can we fix that behavior?

Thanks! She loves it though. Whether she is working to improve established policy, or building the information security protocol and procedure from the ground up. In my cases a lot of the programs she implements have seen remarkable turnover. For instance she had this program in one of the offices nearby where it was all about password strength awareness. She set up everyone by department and gave them a dummy account where they were to create a password based off the guidelines she had taught during the event. They would return next week to test the password strength of each department, and then test to see if they had saved the password safely. Whichever department had the least number of cracked passwords by the IT department won like some prizes. Like it is seriously basic programs like that, that raised awareness of how vulnerable passwords are....Like she created a game for adults.