I'm back again, i hope these posts aren't too spammy, I just really enjoy the feedback hubski gives me because it motivates me to keep working and Improving.
I'm interested to hear your opinions on this one, its inspired by the weird fiction of H.P. Lovecraft, my all time favourite author, and the music of the band sleep (Specifically Holy Mountain, which I'll link below for anyone interested.) This is actually my second time drawing this, the first about six months ago in pen. Straight off the bat, I'm not entirely happy with how the background hills turned out in this one, I found it hard again to get the right kind of gradient going, and my attempts at texture blurred together too much (Might be time to try out oils or acrylic instead of water color)
So let me know what you like and don't like, what you would have done differently or anything at all really!
As promised, sleep - Holy Mountain
I really like how the green light works with the dark shadows of the stones. It gives this unnatural and eerie feeling to the work. The bleak and red sky also contrasts well with the green light, and further emphasises the eerieness of the image. I like how the people are just dark shadows, as it creates a shroud of mystery and secrecy around them. However i think that the hills are a bit too bright and dont seem to fit the theme of the drawing too well. Overall i think that it's a very nice painting. Keep at it!
The color scheme is nice, makes the green light on the rocks really stand out. I'd let the bottom bleed out more, or painted entirely. The way the painting ends in an abrupt line, I don't know. It's actually drawing the eye down to the white space when it should be on the picture.