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comment by TheVenerableCain
TheVenerableCain  ·  3187 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Today's writing prompt: write and rewrite

Your comments always seem to be spot on. Are you a professional writer or something? Could you expand on the second paragraph? Thank you for taking the time to read and critique! It really helps to have an honest outside perspective.

Isherwood  ·  3187 days ago  ·  link  ·  

No, I just got a job where I have to give feedback on what people create. I figured the best way to get better was to just give people feedback, and here we are.

As for the second paragraph - I think I read it wrong the first time. I was reading it like a spaceman spiff comic where the kids were pretending they were of a distant planet and not the frenzied mind of kids jacked up on horror films. So that critique can change a bit to inserting more emotion into the scenario. It was just a little difficult for me to pin down the scene and why the kids were so scared.

It's unfortunate that you gave me such great feedback on a comment where I miss read the story...

TheVenerableCain  ·  3187 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The fault probably lies with the author. I just threw that up there as a silly idea that kind of wound itself into its own story. I think the points still stand. Improving my writing is the only goal, so these daily prompts are excellent for achieving that. They were sorely missed when you abandoned us for the last few days!