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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3190 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: "This Book Does Not Promote X"

    People today would say that it was worth the sacrifice of those lives and credit Alexander with doing this great thing, but ignore the idea that it wasn't his actual intention to spread a great artistic and cultural movement.

In fact, one of the reasons Alexander was killed (if he was, there are multiple theories) is that he embraced Persian culture and was very forgiving to some of his Persian captives. Established his court such as it was in Babylon, etc. His Macedonian army didn't like that (and a lot of other things). Maybe they poisoned him, maybe he died of a very oddly-timed illness.

EDIT: 'ware Hardcore History. I've never seen any of it, but r/badhistory and r/askhistorians are skeptical. You can say that sometimes simplifications of history have to be published to ensure a general understanding, but I've never bought that argument. History can be both simply and accurately portrayed. But again, never seen it, just passing on what I've heard elsewhere.