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comment by Empact
Empact  ·  4649 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Bill Gates and education reform
> Mr. Gates is less enamored of school vouchers. "Some in the Walton family"—of Wal-Mart fame—"have been very big on vouchers," he begins. "And honestly, if we thought there would be broad acceptance in some locales and long-term commitment to do them, they have some very positive characteristics."

Interesting that they say he's not enamored with vouchers - seems he just thinks it's unlikely he'll see them supported & implemented.

mike  ·  4649 days ago  ·  link  ·  
One problem with vouchers is that parents who are most interested use them to send kids to better school, less interested parents send their kids wherever. A big factor in quality of schools is commitment and involvement of parents, so if we divide children of involved parents and children of disinterested parents, the worse schools get worse. Teacher accountability and teacher training is more productive in the long run.

My solution is to double teachers' salaries, regardless of how good they are, and wait one generation. Higher salaries will change public perception of the value of teachers, teaching will become a valued profession, admittance in teacher schools and in the job market will become highly competitive, and quality of teaching will improve.

I know that's likely to be an unpopular option. People already think teachers are paid too much and do too little, which if you spend any time with teachers you know just ain't true.