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comment by distractorman
distractorman  ·  3198 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: My approach for a keyboard layout with 10 keys - Update!

More utilization for the thumbs! Asetniop uses only the spacebar for the thumbs - the most functional the digits. You have improved the usefulness by an order of magnitude by simply increasing the number of buttons for the thumb. It approaches what the Ergodox keyboard did to the standard QWERTY layout. I like this.

Next question would be how to implement 4 way navigation for games and such. Please please please do not do what the Vim editor did. HJKL for 4 way navigation is a horrible idea IJKL is much more sensible.

xash  ·  3197 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Any idea on which keys to use instead for navigation? My first idea was to split HJKL onto both hands. So the index fingers handle Up/Down and the middle fingers Left/Right. This would be a bit more comfortable than HJKL because there isn't the strength imbalance on the same axis between the index and small finger … but maybe this isn't the problem at all. I'm open for suggestions!