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Grendel · 3525 days ago · link · · parent · post: Do you ever think about how different your day is versus someone elses?
Not exactly the same thing, but sometimes I like to stop doing whatever I'm doing at the moment, and think about what everyone else is doing while I'm sitting there thinking about them. I think "right now someone just died" "someone was born" "someone is crying", things like that. I should probably do it more often, I've read somewhere that thinking about death every day keeps people happy, it's what Tibetan monks do.
TranquilWinds · 3525 days ago · link ·
Contemplating birth and death/ impermanence is such a wonderful way to put our problems in perspective. It also alleviates a lot of stress because we see how things truly are and not just how we interpret them: which is always much more dramatic than they really are ;)