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comment by NoTroop
NoTroop  ·  3239 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Welcome to Hubski, redditors! Tell us about yourselves.

You're 19 and a third year ME student? How does college work in Ireland? Here in the USA you don't start college until you're 18 since you'll be in high school up until then. It seems weird to me that you could be learning the same stuff at 16 that some of us here aren't getting into until 18 or 19.

RicePaddy  ·  3239 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm actually young for third year here as well!

So I went to an American school abroad until 9th grade, then I moved to Ireland. In Ireland there are 6 years of secondary school, and based on my age, I should have gone in to 3rd year. However, I had already covered most of that content abroad, and in Ireland 4th year is optional. In the Irish system, only the last 2 years covers content you need for the final exam which will ultimately get you into college, so I decided to just go up into 5th year.

It worked out well for me anyway. I graduated early and I managed to score fairly highly in that final exam!