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comment by wasoxygen

For shame, Mr. Clausnitzer! For shame!

How dare you subvert the noble, democratic tradition of our great nation, by seeking favors for your special interest! Our revolutionary heroes fought and died to rescue us from the oppressive rule of the king and his connected elite.

No more do we live under the tyrrany of the few! The people decide, with one vote for each adult white male property owner (and female property owners in New Jersey). As long as you can pass a literacy test (or your grandpa was white), a fair, equal voice in our governance is guaranteed. Some restrictions* apply.

How dare you take advantage of your leisure, education and wealth to ask for special favors! Cast your ballot and keep quiet for four years!

*Depending on your era and juristiction, you may be required to name all sixty-seven county judges of Alabama, have a penis, pay a tax, be old enough to buy beer, live outside the nation's capital, and/or speak English.

thenewgreen  ·  3281 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    you may be required to name all sixty-seven county judges of Alabama, have a penis, pay a tax, be old enough to buy beer, live outside the nation's capital, and/or speak English.
-with my eyes closed.