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comment by NikolaiFyodorov
NikolaiFyodorov  ·  3336 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Skunk Works claims to be developing a truck-sized fusion reactor

Don't get me started on the F-35. Our alleged government recently committed another $12.5 billion to that corpse of a project while simultaneously pushing massive cuts to public health under the auspices of a "budget emergency".

I was going to add a link to Gary Brecher's excellent take-down, then I remembered who I was talking to.

kleinbl00  ·  3336 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Ha. But see how the mere mention of Skunk Works had you pining for a fusion reactor, despite the fact that the one time SW built anything other than a plane it was resoundingly rejected and despite the fact that fusion has been 10 years from breakeven since 1969?

Ahhh, the power of myth.

NikolaiFyodorov  ·  3336 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Well it's going to be cracked eventually. I'd be more confident putting my money on a cashed up American company to crack it than I would on a European agency.