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comment by kleinbl00

    The statement concluded: “Building a bot that attempts to spread hate through #MakeItHappy is a perfect example of the pervasive online negativity Coca-Cola wanted to address with this campaign.”


    “I’m frankly ashamed of how poorly we’ve dealt with this issue during my tenure as CEO. It’s absurd. There’s no excuse for it. I take full responsibility for not being more aggressive on this front. It’s nobody else’s fault but mine, and it’s embarrassing.

    “We’re going to start kicking these people off right and left and making sure that when they issue their ridiculous attacks, nobody hears them.”

If ever there were a time to ban Gawker from Twitter, that time is now.

mk  ·  3360 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Before Costolo starts, he better have it clear in his mind where he is going to stop. People are going to try to pull Twitter into dangerous territory, and he needs a litmus test.

user-inactivated  ·  3360 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Oh GOD let Twitter ban Gawker, I need this in my life and I already just baked a batch of peanut butter cookies to snack on for the drama that would follow.

Also fuck Gawker