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comment by mk
mk  ·  3372 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: There Is No Humane Way to Execute Criminals

    I agree. But that doesn't solve the issue. Because if you've made a mistake, then you're still locking that person up for life. Which ruins the rest of their life. Is destroying someone's life over a matter of decades better than instantly destroying it?

In the U.S., 150 people since 1973 have gone from death row to exonerated.

rob05c  ·  3372 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Right, and the guy that went one year? Life probably not ruined. The guy that went 39 years?

I wasn't suggesting we should use the death penalty because it's no different. Only that all sentences are irreparably harmful, to some degree. That should be considered, when considering moral or legal policy.