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comment by caelum19
caelum19  ·  3456 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: CEO of Apple Coming Out: Does it Matter?

In a way agree with every view I've seen so far, I think it does matter he came out and that bit lil quoted makes it matter slightly less, because it's much easier to come out in his position. It's still very helpful for gay people though, for many reasons sourced from all over the comments here.

So my answer to

    Can a rich powerful person's coming out make a difference?
is yes.

However, [this](www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/2krtf0/apple_ceo_cook_comes_out_im_proud_to_be_gay/) I found is completely irrelevant, Tim cook coming out has nothing to do with technology, big news maybe but it's comparable to putting a note saying "My dog had puppies!" in a Customer Suggestions box at a chip shop.

caelum19  ·  3456 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Another thing to note is that this isn't necessarily him coming out From (sorry) Gawker

    Romantic interests: After Cook was profiled as a "lifelong bachelor" and "intensely private" elsewhere, we wondered if he might be gay. We've since heard from two well-placed sources that this is indeed the case, and it sounds like Cook's sexual orientation has been the topic of at least some discussion within the company. One tech executive who has spoken to multiple Apple management veterans about Cook was told executives there would support Cook if he publicly acknowledged his orientation, and even would encourage him to do so as he steps up his leadership role, but that they also had concerns about whether his coming out would impact the perception of the Apple brand.