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comment by Kaius
Kaius  ·  3551 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: "For the past 119 days, I've been tracking everything about myself."

All of that is true but don't discount the effort required to pull all of these different sources together, get them into some DB and then layer the fancy site on top. I have no interest in his data but I'm really impressed that he was able to get it all up and running so sweetly.

kleinbl00  ·  3551 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Well, let me redefine "easy" -

The data is easy to collect. Repurposing it into another form is something beyond my abilities or interests. I just know that I have that data readily available to me, I just need to pull it from four or five different websites.

In my mind, "melding 4-5 different websites into one" is a much less physically challenging task than "collect a dozen different types of human telemetry."

Kaius  ·  3551 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Funny as I had the opposite impression. Collating all the information into one place is more difficult than the effort needed to record the 4-5 different data sets in separate apps.

Case Study:


- I have Garmin 405 watch and all running logs can be exported to TRX files and overlayed on a map to show each session, it records heartrate during the session and calories burned etc.

- I have apps on my phone (some I probably am not aware of!) that can track a huge amount of information when the Garmin is not recording. Steps, location, point in time heartrate records, Time spent in apps which can be grouped into Reading, Watching, Listening etc. If I so wished it can also track sleeping activity.

- Fitbit - tracks all of the above without location or heartrates but good as a general "how active I was today" collection point.

- Heart monitors - single point in time recordings for Glucose. I havent tried HDL/LDL but I assume it is similar? A single scan per day would be enough to trend results over.

So from all of those relatively non invasive (apart from the glucose tests I already log this stuff regularly) data collections I should be able to easily produce something similar to this site right?

Nope. Each one of those devices/apps/whatever has its own data format, its own interval timings (seconds, hours, ticks, epoch, instance etc). To just gather that information into something I can use I would need to write a custom conversion tool to map its data into my own version (canonical). I assume this is what he has done or else some of the data is only skin deep and not interrelated at all (heartrate has no references to location for example and cannot be easily linked without some manual intervention).

I'm guessing (from a somewhat educated position) that that was the hardest problem to fix, and if he has solved it for the apps listed then that is the piece that will be monetized first, after all everyone and their uncle has a fancy UX but data is god.

kleinbl00  ·  3551 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Fitbit API

Runkeeper API

Myfitnesspal API

That's everything but bloodwork. It all seems to be in the realm of Python.

Kaius  ·  3551 days ago  ·  link  ·  

See what you did, now you have tempted me into trying to get this to work... :)

kleinbl00  ·  3551 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Make the API so that I can enter my accounts and call it TotalFit or something.