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comment by am_Unition
am_Unition  ·  3576 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Sports Are for Schadenfreude - Spencer Kornhaber - The Atlantic

I was standing in line at a store when I saw a TV scoreboard displaying 5-0 and only 30 minutes on the clock. My jaw was open for a solid minute.

I'm impressed with the maturity of the response from Brazilians, they took it in stride. Apparently they only riot about things that actually matter.

I'll be cheering for the Dutch today because 1) I told veen a couple weeks ago that I think they have a good chance to win the cup 2) Deutchland vs. Dutchland is mildly humerous, and 3) I like watching superstars fall from glory at the hands of good teamwork.