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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  3677 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What Do You Think Of This Quotation, Hubski? Agree, Disagree? Writers Especially

Having children does interesting things to your perspective. I sat with my 1 month old son the other day, talking to him in that sing/songy voice that new parents use (It's proven that the high-to-low inflections in that type of voice is more noticeable and appealing to infants) and I started telling him what I wished for him. The one thing I really wished for him was that he have an outlet for his emotions. I should clarify and say that I wished that he had a positive and constructive outlet for his emotions. -To me, this is what writing and art is for. I know people are different, my guess is that kleinbl00 wouldn't say he writes because it's an "outlet for his emotions," [(-see "why do you write" podcast for clarification)](

) but I do hope my son, and daughter, have some art form that can help them through the tough times. Why? Because it's what I know. I have had music with me since I was 12 years old. Whenever times were tough, I could pick up my guitar and play/sing. It's made all the difference.

    1. Is this what writing is/writers do, write in order to find attention or spill inner thoughts that aren't otherwise shared?
-I wrote this song in like.. ten minutes. To say I "wrote it" is almost misleading as I feel I had nothing to do with it. It just happened. I'm still learning about what the hell those lyrics meant/mean. So yeah, I suppose I spill "inner thoughts" with my writing. I hope that my kids someday will have something similar in their lives to help them through.