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comment by veen

You'll get used to it. Eastern Europe has relatively early sunsets, in December as early as 3.30PM. A friend of mine moved there for a couple of months and said that while it was weird, she got used to it after a while. But with DST, every half year it's a mess of switching hours and you have to get used to it again and again and again...

ButterflyEffect  ·  3679 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That is insanely early. I can deal with 5pm, but 330pm is something else. When I was studying in France it screwed me up when sunset was happening at 10:00pm. That was super late, but awesome at the same time.

coffeesp00ns  ·  3679 days ago  ·  link  ·  

When I'm home in Canada for christmas, sunset happens around 4:30, so I'm familiar with the concept.

DST is definitely bullshit. I just have a problem with the two gigantic time zones, and see them as impractical. Lots of pain for relatively little gain, as it were.

veen  ·  3679 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The two timezones would span about the same longtitude as China or as most of Europe.

Changing clocks every six months, creating tons of problems inter- and intracontinentally (as Europe changes clocks in a week or so), that's impractical.