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comment by insomniasexx
insomniasexx  ·  3852 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What do the Hubski settings do?

email: This is where your email goes. You can change it

password: This is where your password goes. You can change it

hubski-style: This is the color and theme of Hubski. I like spring. Dark is popular too. It all depends on you and what you like!

new-tabs: Open things in new tabs instead of the same one.






These are all alerts and notifications when someone comments on your post, replies to your post, follows you, shouts out, and badges you.

quick-quote: Allows you to highlight a section, click reply and have that highlighted segment automatically quoted in your reply.

share-counts: If this is on and you hover over a name, you see how many posts of theirs you have shared. Great for following and unfollowing.

feed-times: See timestamps on post. This was the most requested feature but isn't a default because times matter much less here. If you comment on an old post, it will come back up onto people's feeds.

saved-notifications: Turn on and off whether you get notifications when people comment on a post you've saved.

zen: This is a cool way to browse Hubski. Sort of like Who's Line: the "points" don't matter....and you can't see them either. :) The reason we implemented this is because hubski isn't like reddit. The points and the numbers don't matter. This isn't a game. It's a place to engage in conversation.

hidden posts: How many posts you've hidden

ignored users: How many people you've ignored (click to view)

muted users: How many people you've muted (click to view)

ignored tags: How many tags you've ignored (I used to ignore #reddit. It kept a lot of redundancy out)

ignored domains: How many domains you've ignored.

mk  ·  3851 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thanks insom. Except the quick quote explanation is wrong, Black_Irish. Just double-click a paragraph and it will appear in the reply box.

Why do we have that as a toggle option anyway??

mk  ·  3851 days ago  ·  link  ·  
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