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comment by b_b
b_b  ·  3855 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Climate Change, Institutions and Emerging Orders

To "devote time to the science" is not really all that easy. It takes years to even develop the proper lexicon to read a scientific paper with authority. Lay people cannot read them and expect to get much out of it. I have never read a climate science paper, so this is a bit of conjecture. I have however split some years between solid state physics and molecular biology. Neither of those disciplines lend themselves to the layperson, and I doubt that climatology is much different. So, what other choice do we have besides listening to the media or to popular science writing? Each will be dumbed down, but that is the whole point of the media and popular science, to interpret complex events in ways that lay people can understand.