This came up in a thread on Hacker News regarding 3D elements in HTML5 and I thought I'd share it here - my proudest ever moment on the internet.
I wrote Strongbad while supremely frustrated with Flash. I was in an Interactive Fiction course, an elective within my major course of study (Fiction Writing), and we were putting together websites to carry our narratives, either directly or as sort of a compendium. I was self-taught in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, but had never before encountered Flash or ActionScript other than on sites like homestarrunner and had not an iota of knowledge about its inner workings.
So I'm sitting in this class getting nowhere on even the simplest of actions on my page, so I wrote Strongbad the email linked above. I used "website" in every sentence to be funny - the email was the vessel upon which I let loose my frustrations with the class and its teachers (a joint effort between the Fiction department and, what, I don't know, the Graphic Design department? or something? we were using those candy-coated G4s or G5s). If my frustration was the bump and the email was the set, Strongbad spiked it home with not only a hilarious reply but also the extra-special bonus of an actual website built almost entirely out of animated gifs.