I don't know why, but I scar very easily. I was also once a little boy and as a man, I enjoy drinking. Thus, I have many scars, particularly on my hands and arms.
The one on my right wrist is from a really nasty burn I got while making gravy one time. At 3 a.m. It took over a month to heal and wept the most disgusting interdermal fluid ever. Plus, when I had the gauze on, it looked like I had tried to slit my wrist. I got so many looks at work (I was a cashier at the time) that I finally started showing people, because the pitying stares were eating away at the rational part of my brain.
I also have a scar on the back of my left hand, from backhanding my buddy. He's not real picky when it comes to women and over the years, he's really run the gamut. Once, he started shacking up with one of the ugliest people I have ever met, both physically and personality-wise. He would bring her to parties where she would talk shit about him for hours.
My friend and I have come to blows before, never out of malice, but simply because it can be good fun. Anyway, we started talking about who had won our previous fight. My friend's girl started screeching that she would break up with him if he got in a fight in front of her. To me, my duty as a friend was clear. I called him by a few choice names and got in his face, whereupon he asked me to step outside. I remember it began to rain really hard just as we started. During the scuffle, I backhanded him across the teeth. I think he ended up winning that one though, but in the end, the girl he was with was as good as her word and she broke up with him, much to the relief of myself and our mutual friends.
So, what are your scar stories?