The authenticity of Islamism is also questionable. Generations of Muslim migrants to Europe have certainly been mistreated, but the younger generations of EU-born Muslims are significantly more radically conservative than their immigrant parents and grandparents. For some reason this doesn't seem to give anyone pause for thought.
Islamism is a thoroughly post-modern phenomenon, and its roots lie in the West as much as in the Middle East. US support for the Mujahideen in Afghanistan is well-known and Cold War-era politicking certainly has a lot to answer for. It didn't stop in the 1980s, either. Western support for Bosniak Muslims in the Yugoslav civil wars conveniently overlooked the role of Saudi money and jihadists in the conflict.
Additionally, Western politically correct multiculturalism refuses to deal with people as individuals, instead forever locking them into misbegotten cultural boxes by assuming that self-appointed 'community leaders' have any right to speak on behalf of their communities. Having watched precisely the same process at work in Northern Ireland for two decades – where everyone is supposed to identify as Protestant or Catholic – it's obvious to me that anyone on this path is on a hiding to nothing, but the snooty arrogance of those in settled polities – the people who think they know better – just never goes away. If a post-conflict situation throws-up problems it couldn't possibly be because the wrong questions are being asked; no, it's that the people involved are all Neanderthals.