Sometimes when I'm really bored or just trying to get my wheels spinning, I like to think up potential band names. Often they'd work for any old band, sometimes they'd obviously lend themselves to specific genres.
I'm enjoying a particularly directionless/sleepless night, so I thought I'd throw a few out there. You can have 'em for free. Caveat: I haven't bothered to Google any of these to see if they're already band names, because I don't want to ruin for myself the illusion of my being incredibly original and clever. I've worked hard to nourish that illusion and it in turn nourishes me.
Great American (alternately The Great American, but I like it better the other way) Very Cool (this would have to be a pretentious indie band, huh?) Rikki Lake (ditto) Terrorists Terroristas Tourists Touristas Necrotic Bowel (that'd have to be a death metal group) Company (gotta be rootsy stuff) Monster Power (I think I got that off of an art exhibit made up of different brands of heroin packaging, so you better make that a hard rock band) Temple Eidolons King's Blood (cribbed that from ASOIAF) Find Hidden Treasures (cribbed that from some ad on my iPhone)
Does anybody else have any?