I don't even know how successful this thread is gonna be, but frankly, I'm hot under the collar and would like to rant a little bit. Maybe only one person will see this, maybe no one will care or share. I just want to get this off my chest. I am lit, and when I say that I mean pissed.
So tonight I was out at this really awesome bar in Filthadelphia, listening to this really cool band, Cloud Cult. Don't know if you've heard of them; Love You All and Story of the Grandson of Jesus are personal faves. Anyway, I'm there with my brother as I'm single and don't have an easily available partner to go with, and he likes indie music pretty much the way I do.
Well we're the bar and one of the bartenders, a female, is a little chunky. I absolutely wouldn't even call her fat. My brother, who is a shallow bastard, asks me if I think she is pregnant. I insist she is not and he comments that he would never ask anyone if they are pregnant anyway, even if he thought they were, as you just shouldn't comment on whether a woman is pregnant or not (in case they get offended).
Two drinks later my brother is asking the other two bartenders (male) if the female bartender is pregnant. She overhears. Evidently, she probably overheard our earlier conversation, too, because immediately she comes over and starts asking my brother if he has a problem. In fact, I quote, "What's your fucking problem, man? You got a problem?" After the fact my brother said he was surprised she didn't hit him. Frankly I am too.
My brother skulks a bit away from the bar. The show was sold out so he couldn't get far. After like, five minutes, DURING WHICH THE FEMALE BARTENDER IS DRINKING, CLEARLY UPSET, AND BITCHING ABOUT WHAT MY BROTHER'S JUST SAID, my brother leans over towards me and goes, "But that was hilarious, right?"
Very loudly. I am certain the bartenders overheard.
During all of this, all of my brother's drinks are going on MY TAB. MY TAB is the tab that's open, I'M the one getting charged for his drinks, and to top it all off, MY JACKET IS BEHIND THE BAR because one of the other bartenders was nice to me earlier and let me hang it there. In fact, I finish my drink, ask for another one from one of the male bartenders, and he gestures towards the female bartender and tells me she will get my drink.
Well, she will certainly not get my drink. She saw me clearly there with my brother and will not even catch my eye.
So I am stuck closing out the tab, collecting my jacket, and trying to yell at my fucking asshole of a brother. I ended up leaving a 35% tip and writing a note of apology on the receipt for my asshole brother.
This whole thing wouldn't have mattered to me as much if it wasn't for the fact that he was there with me, and since he was on my tab, I was being perceived as responsible for his actions and (potentially) condoning them. Even more unfortunately, I had kind of been hitting it off with one of the bartenders, and my brother pulled a huge cockblock and made me look terrible. I tried to make it clear I didn't condone his actions and even gave him a bit of a dressing-down at the bar but I doubt it helped.
As it is I pretty much yelled at him for the 45 minute drive home, but he's still trying to convince himself it was kind of hilarious.
So, hubski. Help me get it off my chest. When was someone an asshole to you? What can I do except maybe rant about it?
We even left the fucking show early. There was no recovery from that one. I'm really pissed.
Sorry for the rant, you guise.