Hey there peeps, This is what you get. For less than a billion a year the BLM manages 275 million acres of your land in public trust. They actually generate $4 for every $1 that is paid by your tax dollars (not a bad investment) managing the public estate of oil and gas and other valuables, and still they are facing devastating cuts. Only 7.5% this year, and then without a budget, 7.5% next year, and 8 more years. If you care about your public lands, start speaking up.
My question to the Hubskiers is, "Are public lands important to you, even if you never visit them? Is there something about these lands that is intrinsically important to you (and our country) whether you have the opportunity to set foot on them or not?" I suggest that you visit them to really find out. I'd bet 1 to 4 odds that you want these lands to be protected, if not for you, for those beyond your time.