A lot of people have different approaches to the creative process for various reasons. I tend to walk. A lot. As I walk, my mind wanders over things I've been taking in and tends to play with them. If I try to take control and go in one direction, the process usually stops unless I've latched onto something that really grabs me. These days most of my ideas end up in my phone, but sometimes I revert to my pre-smartphone ways and write down or draw my ideas out on whatever is available. I can't tell you how many times I've dug through the trash looking for a cigarette pack I've written or drawn something "vital" on.
I've tried various other ways of generating ideas, such as word webs which sometimes works, but feels unnatural to me. I've also experimented with making collages from magazines and then creating narratives for what I've made. The key for me seems to be to let my mind wander and to allow my unconscious to show me what I've been chewing on.
How does your process work for you?