by thenewgreen
Both series have survived multiple changes in lead actor; indeed, in "Doctor Who", such changes are an integral part of the plot (the Doctor is a Time Lord whose body regenerates when under great stress). Both have survived wobbly periods in the 1980s when they seemed to lose their hold on public enthusiasm (the later Roger Moore Bond films were painful, as was Timothy Dalton's first outing; "Doctor Who" disappeared, apparently for good, in 1989 after years of cardboard scenery and dodgy acting). But both have had modern revivals which recall the golden age of the 1960s and 1970s. And both have a long fascination with gadgets—Bond has exploding pens and magnetic watches; the Doctor prefers a versatile sonic screwdriver and his spaceship, the Tardis, which not only travels through time but usefully translates all conversations into English.
StJohn I know you are a big Doctor Who fan and thought you might enjoy this.