Everyone likes music, some variation-some sort of awkward kind that they just love. It's indesciribable. You just understand it, love it, you know it. It's like a friend through speakers. Where people you know fault, music stands. It can't leave, or make fun of you, it can't start rumors or beat you up- it's the best kind of friend. The kind thst doesn't care what you look like, it's always there, and you are there for music. Whether you think you are or not. It's a bond between people who don't know eachother through rhythm and rhyme. Music has saved me multiple times. It's an escape. You can go where ever, whenever, you want. Books are like this too, books last longer, and take you away. They are good for the soul and mind. Books are an author showing what they think about to someone who may or may not think the same. It takes you away, from depression, from people. From hurt. And pain. It all goes away. Books and music are my life, personally. I know a few people like this too.
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