New this week, I have learned something special. That is very cheesy, and odd sounding. But I have. I still don't quite understand what I learned, but I know I don't like it, as much as I should anyways. Lying buries truth, sometimes- this is better than knowing. I've had a lot of time to think to myself, and unfortunately, none of this matters. I mean, the simple fights with your family, the rumors started by an ex best friend, a boy not liking you back. None of this matters. It's too late to take it back. So why bother dwelling on it? We do learn from our mistakes, but is it worth putting yourself into a depression? Putting others in pain at your own sake? No. Sure, learn not to trust everyone- not to trust no one. I was talking to my boyfriend late last night when I realized what I want to do with my life. I want to make a difference, not like a lady gaga music video or a Martin Luther king junior speech- but a difference in our community. In my life- in the lives of the people I love and who love me. A difference in everyone's eras, I want people to see the world through my eyes. Understand what's happened and the disturbance that it's caused. I start on blogging sites. Like such. Maybe, sooner or later, I could do something great. Anyone could. Everyone could.