So this is a response to the 30 questions topic. Someone posted that the question were dumb because they would pretty much never happen and then posted 30 more questions hoping they would be better, but they were just as improbable up to "if magic existed..."
So, here are some questions that are not only probable situations, but common problems. A lot of people may have already been in these situations and can say not only what they did, but what they wish they had done. If you haven't been in this situation it might come in handy one day to have already thought about it. Here they are:
1. You pick up your son from school and are shocked to see he has a black eye. You ask him what happened but he dejectedly lies, "Nothing." You also notice the bracelet he normally wears is missing, and suddenly the fact that the bracelet was rainbow hits you. What do you do?
2. You've been studying in the union--a pretty safe place--and run to the bathroom real quick. You come back to find while you were gone someone had gotten onto your laptop before it had a chance to idle and activate the password protection and used your email to send the following message to everyone in your inbox (your mom, your girl/boyfriend, your boss, all your professors, everyone): "Go die in a shit-hole." What now?
3. You've been dating this person who you really like and tonight you met their best friend and the three of you hung out for a few hours. The evening is winding down and you'll all probably head out before too long, but then Best Friend responds to something you said with an incredibly rude comment. Your significant other doesn't really react and you wonder if they even realize how offended you are. What do you do?
3.2. Now assume you snapped at Best Friend and told them off, but the next day you realize Best Friend was only responding conversationally and probably hadn't even thought about what he was saying, and really hadn't meant anything by it. Okay, what now?
4. You're in a field playing some sport with a bunch of friends and friends of friends, and for once you're kicking butt! A couple people totally cheer you on, you're doing so well and you're feeling pretty good right about now. Suddenly, outta nowhere you get hurt/fouled and you look at the player who did it. It's someone you don't really know, but not only are they on your team, they sneer when you meet their gaze. What do you do?
5. You're driving somewhere you've been to a million times and are in no hurry, just chilling. Suddenly some giant SUV cuts you off, blaring the horn and speeds away. How does this affect you?
5.2. You get a call from your teenage kid. They just got in a car wreck. They are okay, but they're crying and confused, there's police asking a bunch of questions and they really want you to come pick them up. You jump in the mom-mobile and rush out. You pull onto the main road where there's this guy just putting along without a care in the world. You lean on the horn in half-panic and hit the gas to pass them. What do you think of this slow driver?
5.3 After thinking about both 5 and 5.2, how do you think you'll react to the next time you're either in a rush or the one being cut off?
6. You're part of a big social club and you guys need cash for club things. People have been talking fund raiser for a while, but no one ever gets down and does one, mostly because no one can agree on the best way to do it. Then you have a brilliant idea which you're convinced will work and work well! Also, you have the time to actually do it. But you're not a club officer, and for every person who thinks your idea is brilliant, there's one who thinks you're an idiot. Thing is, you need at least some people to help you. What should you do?
7. You're tired of people asking you stupid questions but they just won't shut up. It's like talking to a social psychologist or something! What kind of pie do you offer them no make them leave you alone?