I am on the board of my kid's school. It's a fun way to be engaged in the community. And every so often, you get these little gems. This was forwarded to me by the principal. I've redacted the names and such - but here you can get a sense for the raw insanity being attempted.
It is a fine balance between Human Law and God's Law that we walk. We have been directed by the Holy Spirit to no longer modify our bodies in this manner. We walk with Christ and take direction only from God within. It is our God given right to preserve our Soul, and through the preservation of that Soul, preserve our body, and mind as a whole through the Christ power that flows throughout our being.
Through this our faith is whole and applied daily through Natural Godly Law.
By Natural Godly Law:
Those who would be healed by the Love Christ power must already have faith that they are already healed and it is done.
It goes against that faith to assume the body is not able to Be in, or attain a perfect healed or health state .
These beliefs include and are not limited to:
-The wearing of a “face covering” with the assumption that a person
“might” or “is ill without their Soul or Body’s knowledge ” is in opposition to our individual religious belief.
-Frequent/ Serial Testing with the assumption that a person “might” or “is ill without their Soul or Body’s knowledge ” is in opposition to our individual religious belief.
-The introduction of a vaccine or other unnatural substance with the assumption that a person “might” or “is ill “ without their Soul or Body’s knowledge ” is in opposition to our individual religious belief.
I invoke now, on my family's behalf our God Given Constitutional Rights here to but not limited to, SCHOOL NAME, Jefferson County, Jefferson County Health Department and any institution, organization, corporation, private business, city funded, county funded, state funded, federal funded, in Colorado and including all the United States of America.
Under Article IV of the Civil Rights Act We Invoke Our Rights to have STUDENT NAME attend SCHOOL NAME in person in the same capacity, with upheld Religious Beliefs, free from Persecution, Segregation (social distancing or other) or Discrimination due to upholding those Godly beliefs.
As a family practicing in the Love and Light of our Father we are not only concerned for our health, but for those of the school and the community as a whole. As there is a school guideline of 48hrs to ensure a healthy state when returning to school, that coincides with our Religious Beliefs to ensure health, we will continue with the schools suggested guideline that upon health situations that arise, STUDENT NAME will stay home for the length of time needed in accordance with the 48 hour guideline and with Natural Godly Law, in order to return to school in a healed state.
We thank you for all that you do as a school, in always looking at the Whole Child and their needs.
Sincerely with Faith and Love
The fun part is, our school district doesn't allow for medical exemptions from face coverings, so I'm not sure what the parent is hoping for. I will say - they have found a bit of a loophole... we're working through the legality now, to ensure they can sue us for "failure to educate" if we send the kid home. What a mess... all because some parents have invented a religion against facemarks.
and if you know me - you know I'm actually a fairly devout religious person. And this kind of nonsense is just embarrassing.