printStupid A-10 tricks
by kleinbl00
Recalling a recent DACT detachment to fight with A-10s, one F-15C pilot told The War Zone: “The slow speed handling and tiny turn circle size threw most of us off for the first fight. A lot of the fights ended neutral — apart from when we took shots with our AIM-9X combined with the Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing System of course. Some Hogs took shots on us — mostly with the gun because we aren’t used to looking at an A-10, so range cues were a lot different, plus their gun has so much longer range than the cannons in most fighters. However, they don’t have exact ranging, so any time they can point at you they will call a gunshot, regardless of whether it will get there or not. All the shots I saw were at least in the ballpark, but they are just being taken way longer ranges than anyone else — so guys aren’t expecting that. It’s really hard to aim that far away, so I’m not sure how it would’ve gone if it had been real.”