One of things I do miss about reddit to some extent is they a had confession sub Reddit they have that but i guess I'll post this I'll keep short back when I was younger I was mean and spiteful to everyone and everything to my friends to my peers and to pet sometimes it was out of anger or just wanting be bad which
I was not and sometimes it would get physical it was not anything serious like with my friends we never got far to wear it would escalate into fight friend or with classmates either and same with my pet i didn't hurt it or do anything major but that does not make ok at all
For most of many younger years during high school I was an a hole and during my later years I've come regret deeply what I've done for my last two year I've mellowed out I started treating people better and I refuse to be harsh to my pet only treating it with kindness.
Right now I've graduated and with covid 19 I've been stuck at home I'm right now thinking back on my actions I want to apologize to my friend and peers but have no way of contacting them and for my pet I've vowed to treated it with nothing but kindness and sometimes I do tear up when I look at it and it doesn't seem to hate me and it still wants to be around me.
So with that being said I wrote this just to get it off my chest and I want to know anyone could share a similar experience.