The other day <span><a class="ajax" href="at?id=cgod">cgod</a>~ <span><a title="" href=">suggested</a>~ that we should be able to get notifications for all comments on a particular post.
Today I added this as an option to the posts that you have saved.
Now you will get a notification when any new comment is made on a post that you have saved.
You can toggle these saved notifications on or off in your controls.
As always, feedback is much appreciated.
p.s. This function doesn't apply retroactively to the posts that you have already saved. If you want to add it to a currently saved post, unsave it then save it again.
p.p.s. In light of this change, we've been debating whether or not we should call 'saved' posts something else. Feel free to suggest an alternate name if you have one.