by demure

Angela Lastella placing her home-made orecchiette outside her home in Bari, Italy. - Gianni Cipriano, NYT
An Empty Beach - California Sunday
Factories have given way to wine bars and a marina. An EU flag in the window of an apartment is a symbolic frontier to this swankier patch. A little farther along the trail, a sign attached to a riverside bollard reads: “Will trade racists for refugees”.
Walking the wall: a Brexit hike in Northern England - 1843 Magazine, The Economist
The grandmothers set up shop early. Out of ground-floor kitchens that opened directly onto the street, they came out singing old songs, sweeping the stone floor and scattering their homemade orecchiette, the city’s renowned ear-shaped pasta, on the mesh screens of wooden trays.
Call it a Crime of Pasta - New York Times (mirror)
From what I'm reading
Writing was born as the maidservant of human consciousness, but is increasingly becoming its master. Our computers have trouble understanding how Homo sapiens talks, feels, and dreams. So we are teaching Homo sapiens to talk, feel, and dream in the language of numbers, which can be understood by computers.
from Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Yuval Noah Harari. I have mixed feelings about this book.

Calvin and Hobbes, Bill Watterson. 11 March 1986