From preface:
This book is for children and adults alike. It is for math nerds, experts, and people who avoid the subject. It is for coloring enthusiasts as well as those who would prefer to simply read through or play with patterns. It is for educators and students, parents and children, and casual readers just looking to have a good time. This book is for you.
This is a “coloring book about math” that is both digital and on paper. It is a playful book. The mathematical concepts it presents show themselves in illustrations that are interactive and animated online, and can be colored on paper. Throughout the book there are visual puzzles and coloring challenges. The book is about symmetry. Group theory is used as the mathematical foundation to discuss its content and interactive visuals are used to help communicate the concepts. Group theory and other mathematical studies of symmetry are traditionally covered in college level or higher courses. This is unfortunate because these exciting parts of mathematics can be introduced with language that is visual, and with words that avoid jargon. Such an introduction is the intention of this “book”.
This book is both on paper and online. The two formats complement each other, and can be used together. Their content is the same, but they provide different ways to more deeply engage or play with it. Color the illustrations on paper. Only on paper can the coloring challenges be fully completed and realized in color. Solutions are provided so that you can check your work. Play with the illustrations online. They come to life with interactive animations that show the symmetries that generate them. This book can be used as a playful educational tool to serve as an additional resource in the classroom or home. For educators, the challenges within the pages of the book can be used as “problem sets”. This book can be used as a relaxing coloring book. This book can be used to entertain your mathematical intuition or interests