i frankly innately reject the notion that amy winehouse's singing would drastically change or somehow have the potential to lose quality if she became sober. that just doesn't make sense to me. do you become a worse talker when you're sober? no? do you become a worse listener, does your ability to recognize tone change? your ability to count time? i've read a lot about what alcohol does to you but never heard it had any of those kind of impacts....
i think the author is still struggling to accept her sobriety
i think anyone who tries to advance the notion that maybe sobriety could damage a person or make them less than they are when fucked up, is struggling with their sobriety
as someone actively practicing my sobriety after like a week of it i just have absolutely no question that sober me is way better at all shit than drunk me, and that being sober gives me confidence in myself...
who wants to be a great writer if you are only a great writer when you're fucked up? what an awful fucking curse you know? if i was only great at, say, any random skill if i were doing it when drunk...i would happily give up practicing that skill