Sometimes the traits that bother us most in others, are really just mirrors held up to show us things we don't like about ourselves.
I believe this to be true in personal relationships. But I think it might be true in a broader context.
I haven't done the research yet... but haven't we "meddled" in our fair share of regime changes around the world? I think that people are pissed that Russia may have messed around with our precious election system... and I think secretly it bugs a lot of Muricans because we're the only country that should be allowed to futz with other peoples' governments... because MURICA.
I woke up this morning and listened to NPR on the way in to work. Of course it's all just ramblings about which one of Donald Jr's balls was being tickled by which underage prostitute while he talked to an attorney about adoption or something.... and the NPR story just.... felt... like it was circling the drain.
I get it. Trump is an ass clown. Junior and/or Senior. They did some shady, shady shit. Their entire family's life is built on a shady, shady, shitty foundation. We are getting what we deserve. But I digress...
Russia played us. I get it - we should report on it. And if Trump knowingly used this to his advantage and should get some punishment... ok. Then what, mother fuckin' Pence? Great.... just what we need...
This whole theater of who said what said when said she said THATS WHAT YOUR MOM SAID..... is wearing me out. Maybe it's the mental breakdown I had sitting in my living room last night... or maybe I'm just tired of hearing about russian hacking...
And maybe I think fuck this place... not hubski... just the US of A. Maybe 8-bit isn't as ragin' crazy as you think he is when the news report I saw last night about a couple of dads shopping in a discount store for their family BUT ZOMG THEY'RE SEX TRAFFICKERS BECAUSE THEY HAVE BROWN FUCKING SKIN HOLY FUCK DIAL 911!!!
but I digress
We played puppet master in South America, Africa, Asia.... and probably other places... and we just realized some one else just pulled on our strings.
Are we just mad that we have to look in the mirror now? It doesn't feel good when someone shows us our own love handles and back cleavage.
We don't like mirrors.
EDIT: for the record... I don't think 8-bit is crazy and never have.