This has turned into a big curiosity for me. Essentially, on PredictIt one can place bets on political outcomes as defined by the website makers, like who will win the Presidency or what will a candidate's favorability rating be on a polling aggregate site on a certain day. There are a ton of different markets. You also don't have to wait for a market to resolve in order to make (or lose) money. For example, I sold all my shares in a market entitled "How many totally false statements will Trump make in August?" yesterday though the market won't resolve until September 9th (totally false statements are any "Pant's on Fire lies" according to Politifact's Truth-O-Meter). It's actually an incredible state of reality: there are thousands of people trying to manipulate one another into a profit in a zero-sum market based on how many demonstrable and provable lies a major-party candidate for Presidency of the United States will say in a month. And I fucking killed it.
I was never really taken in by sports betting or even card games. But this is fascinating stuff for me. I've found myself digging into the numbers behind campaign finance disclosures and listening more critically to political news. It's also exposed me to some fascinating, arrogant, and hilarious people since the comments section of this site is one of most cynical and whip-smart group of folks I know on the internet. (You guys are whip-smart, too, just not as cynical.) I'm posting this here to see if anyone wants to discuss strategy or share market secrets. If you have a gambling problem, please don't take this as a suggestion. Also, beware: this stuff is seriously addicting, especially if you start winning.