Yesterday, I fixed a performance bug in post pages, where they were doing an expensive 'score' query for every comment. They now do a single query for all scores. Should be faster, especially for posts with a lot of comments.
Today, I migrated user notifications to SQL. That was the last list in the users structure, which required a one-to-many table, and thus made loading and saving the whole profile (which the app does needlessly, prolifically) slow.
So, the performance and timeout issues when I tried to move users to SQL in May should be resolved. Saving the users structure will be only a single query on a single table now.
It's still a big change, so I still need to do it at a time when I'm available to fix things rapidly for a day or two. I was really hoping to do it before I took possession of the house I'm buying, because I'll be busy fixing things on the house for a while. Not sure that's going to happen.
The plan is still to convert users to SQL, and with everything in SQL, it becomes easy to convert each Arc function to Racket one at a time.
As always, questions welcome.